
You will find comments from some of the happy clients below.

On Career Coaching: CVs, job interviews

‘I was starting a professional transition, so it was really helpful to prioritize and stay calm about the future, discovering what I really wanted to do and pushing me to that goal.’

‘I thought Jessica was great. She helped me gain my confidence by working with me to revamp myself, as I had been in the same job for years and needed a change.’

‘I have gotten much better at interviewing.’

‘It helped me understand better and get a clearer picture of where I wanted to go next in my career.’

‘The coaching helps me make a CV that states my strengths, scope and achievement in a much clearer and straightforward way. Besides, it inspires me to list out qualities which I was not aware of, but could be appreciated by potential employers. I feel 100% comfortable to share all information with her because of her professional knowledge and excellent understanding of the employee’s and employer’s mentality. The coaching definitely inspires people who are not motivated / happy about their current job to obtain tools necessary to pursue a job better fits their qualification.’

“I like that I can get a outside view about me. She helps me understand, identify and appreciate my skills and strengths. She helps me know myself better, and more about what I do.”

‘You’re helping me connect with myself, with what I love, with what matters to me. I feel alive, I feel empowered. I’m more aware of my possibilities. You exceeded the expectations! The main outcome was about me, my purpose, what’s important, beyond communication. You’ve put your head, your mind, your heart into this process.’

‘I particularly loved the methodology. I saw the importance to demonstrate learnings and how I managed specific situations.’

“She asks me all the right questions that remind me the special things about what I do and how I achieve my work responsibilities.”

‘Jessica showed me the most relevant characteristics of my professional experience. Now I can highlight them in my interview!’

“Me permitió evidenciar las debilidades que tenía en la hoja de vida que venía manejando, identificar los aspectos más cruciales a la hora de construir una hoja de vida y organizar la información de manera ordenada y clara para hacerla más atractiva al evaluador. También me permitió mejorar de manera notable mis habilidades de comunicación.”

“I got the job! I am able to have the next challenge because of you. I am able to go from a local director to a regional director because of your help with the interviews.”

‘I would definitely recommend her. She is a very good coach. She is straightforward and helps you highlight the best of you in an interview!’

On Communication & Executive Coaching

‘The result was obvious. It’s in the numbers – it’s reflected in my bonus.  As a company we over-achieved, we were number one in Mexico this year.’

‘Before I was so nervous speaking to the senior executives, especially if the meetings were in English. Now I’m able to have the conversations whenever. I’m more ready for the next step in my career.’

‘I feel like a brand new car after taking the coaching sessions. I noticed my performance after applying the techniques from the coaching session. I’m using open questions with others. They help identify the main purpose of the meeting. I feel more calm after our sessions. I’m comfortable taking the time.’

‘I feel more confident. I improved my communication skills, my mindset. Before taking the coaching sessions, my mind was focused more on tactical, execution / actions. Now after 4 months, I improved my strategic vision. I feel more  effective, remembering the end destination – the ultimate objective.’

’The forum was perfect. They applauded when the session ended. They congratulated me and told me it was brilliant. They loved the topic. I was sincere about my feelings and I engaged during my presentation. Thank you for helping me believe in myself, stick to the plan, even though the Steering Committee did not believe in it.’

‘I feel very good! Like you went to the gym and you feel, huh, I’ve done it! I feel fulfilled. I’m in a different place. As if I used to play soccer, I was out of breath. Now I go to the gym, run 20km, I don’t feel like I’m suffering anymore.’

‘This is a great change in my life, all the coaching progress has positive impact on me, not only business relationships, but also my personal relationships.‘

‘Although my job is strategic, I used to spend time on follow-ups, chasing for deliverables. They didn’t respond to my requests. They took a long time to deliver results. Now this has changed, because I’m more accurate about the request, I’m highlighting the benefits of the deliverable. In the past, I always had to ask for a few extra days to meet the deadlines. Now, my region is the first to send the deliverables. The way I wrote my emails changed. In the past, I wrote a long email, with many details. Now I point out the importance / benefits to deliver on time. Now people respond more quickly and accurately!’

‘Jessica, the last month we’ve been working together, [my performance] across different people –  top management, my team, my reports – has been very good. You’re responsible for that. You’re a very good coach.’

‘I’m very happy about having you as my coach because you made me aware of the connections and learn about ways that I can improve my communications. You really made a difference in my life and I can use your tips not only for interviews, but for other situations in my life and work.  Communication is about making the connections with people. I was also able to know myself better.’

‘If you compare my presentations now, to my presentation before, the number of slides is reduced dramatically. The key message is clearer; I remember you asked me, ‘what do you think when you see this slide?’ Then I think – ‘it’s not clear!’

‘Sometimes, I see that I’m not looking at the camera. Then I remind myself, then pay attention to the camera again, use short phrases, simple words. This requires daily practice. Some days I do what I’ve done for many years, it’s hard to switch. I need to keep reminding myself.’

In the past, when I spoke with people in English from other countries, I felt nervous, my voice changed, I started sweating, I felt I needed to end the call asap. Now I feel comfortable having the conversation. My message is clear.’

‘I feel comfortable to talk in the sessions. Through precise questions, I have come to my own conclusions, making it a very transformational journey.’


‘You are soooo strong at getting the right ideas out of me, to help me articulate and express myself so I can communicate my messages to others.’

‘I particularly liked the way you pushed me to be my best, even though it is not easy to face one’s fears.’

“You are so good at identifying what needs to be said. You made the best of me. And you are so smart, asking challenging questions and engaging me in interesting conversations, bringing stimulating and new materials to the class to keep me engaged. I have had many teachers before but they were boring.”

‘I liked how I have more information about myself (self knowledge), and how it is possible to be conscious about my issues so that I can overcome them.’

‘The process that helps you open up, be honest but also be critical about your perceptions and paradigms.’

‘I learnt many new things, such as how different people from different countries have different behaviours.’

‘When I prepared for my relocation to China, our coaching sessions help me to understand a lot about the Chinese culture and the differences we have. We discussed how to talk in a meeting with people from other regions, or how to share your own story and the social etiquettes in China.’

‘By becoming self aware of my own paradigms and reaching my own conclusions, I have started a path to achieve my goals.’

‘I appreciate in particular the methodology. She involves the colleagues in a dynamic way. The sessions are interactive. I love the exercises during classes for immediate feedback!’

‘The coaching sessions are helping me to improve the way I communicate by using positive expressions and structures that will help me with my objectives.’

‘Because I start asking myself more about my ideas, my point of view and I can understand that I’m the person who has to start changing.’

‘The coaching sessions discuss different aspects of my professional career. They help me better understand my goals and objectives, confront difficult situations, reinforce my professional interests, identify my strengths and opportunities and take career actions and decisions. Jessica always challenges my behavior and give me tips in order to help me develop personally and professionally. I always try to implement her tips in my daily life.’

‘Our conversations also include personal and emotional aspects. The class is a space to talk about a lot of things that I don’t normally tell to everybody. She is very intelligent and has very good listening and communications skills. Her personality and professional experience in a multinational company allow her to make very good recommendations, challenges and comments! She helps me to see things that I don’t see by myself. Jessica is always mindful of my welfare.’

‘I am particularly confident with all the scenarios she gave us to practice. I also like it when she tells us how to be different by using other ways to say what we want to say.’

‘I felt very confident because all the rehearsal I did with you and was key to get this important result for my profesional career. I would really like to thank you for your commitment and professionalism, my achievements during this journey have been thanks to you.’

‘It is important for you to know that today I was in an English meeting with the Finance VP from South Africa the whole day. I was almost not afraid to talk, I felt very good. I was lost a bit sometimes, but in general I was able to manage the meeting. So I want to thank you very much, this has been possible thanks to you!’

‘Jessica helps me improve my personal and work relationships. She helps me identify my current and future needs based on my life goals that I never would realise, so I can make improvements in my communication skills on a daily basis.’

‘The presentation was perfect. You helped me improve my confidence, fluency and flow. I really noticed that I’ve improved a lot!’

‘Once I told Jessica the purpose of our classes, she immediately focuses on improving my communication skills and has given me lots of useful tools.

‘Jessica addresses my needs perfectly, as we are focused on one specific area: to understand how to construct a speech and make it clearer and easier to understand for the audience.’

‘I feel that it improved the way I am as a person, takes me to a higher level and improves my weakness.’

‘The coaching sessions support and strengthen my communication skills, helping me achieve my challenges in my career.’

‘Dear Jessica, thank you for you support in my presentation. The presentation was very good. I have learnt too much with you. Your information about how to make a presentation was very important for my success.’

‘The sessions helped me to have more effective communication and learn the way to say things more diplomatic way.’

‘I am particularly happy with the new vocabulary, new expressions, connectors, and formal written English.’

On the Business Communication Training Course

‘Very practical/dynamic with tips to improve daily comms.’

‘Before, I didn’t participate at meetings because I was afraid I misunderstood. After the course, I know how to ask correct questions to clarify.’

‘One of the main qualities of this course is the intensive practice of speaking skills through constant participation as well as a friendly and supporting learning environment, which makes it easier for shy people to participate actively.’

‘I’ve improved the way I communicate by using positive expressions and structures that will help me have better results in my objectives. I have learned to communicate my effectively by being more diplomatic.

‘She introduced techniques to communicate better with other people. I have already recommended to my friends and coworkers.

‘I’m particularly happy with the scenarios she gave us to practice. I also like it when she tells us how to be more effective by using another way to say what we want to say.’

‘I particularly like the methodology used by Jessica – she involves the colleagues in a dynamic way. The sessions are interactive.’

‘The sessions are helping me improve my response to difficult requests.’

‘My needs are fulfilled because I have different tips to improve my teleconference performance.’

‘One of the best things of this course is that we always have a great time and laugh a lot, and in my opinion that quality leverages the learning capabilities of the participants.’

‘I’m particularly happy with the coaching approach, the materials and the follow up of the teacher.’

‘My goal was to write in English more effectively and clearly in less time. Before, I spent a lot of time drafting emails and was not very clear about how to structure them. Now, after the class, I feel I have gained fluency and structure and even my boss recently complemented my writing skills in English!’

‘I’m particularly happy with the tips that are useful for every-day life.’

‘I like the course helps me organize my ideas for meetings and teleconferences.’

‘I’m particularly happy with the way she facilitates so every student participates and feels encouraged to talk.’

‘The coach is very professional and adapts the classes according to the specific needs of the students.’

‘The sessions support my goal as an international officer because of the practical approach.’

‘I feel it has helped me a lot with my fluency both written and oral, to be more assertive and familiar with expressions to make requests.’

‘One of my career goals is to be able to communicate in written English formally and this course has helped me improved a lot by practicing different expressions and techniques.’

On the High Impact Presentation Training Course

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‘The course helps me understand speech is more complex and powerful than it seems.’




‘Even though each class has a overall goal, each of us received personal feedback for our own areas of improvement.’

‘The course helped me  have more presence and awareness of my nonverbal language such as my body or my tone of voice.’

‘Your high involvement was amazing. Also, you had a great understanding of the situation that we were experiencing and that made you really trustworthy. I liked the plan that we had, how we developed week by week. In the end, I can really feel the improvement. The structure of the whole program was excellent.’

‘I get motivated when I trust the person I’m working with, so that definitely helped. I could feel the authentic support that you had towards us, that went beyond just providing a professional service. I know that you really wanted us to learn and to do well and that was certainly motivating.’

‘The way Jessica explains the tips is so simple to understand. She makes the techniques look easier to learn.’

‘The real life examples & videos were perfect. They help me understand how to improve my presentation style better.’

‘I find the course really interesting. 80% of the content was new to me.’

‘The course was incredible! I’d definitely recommend it to people I know!’

“It is because of you I was able to get the commitment of one of the most famous institutes to work with my organization in Colombia.”

‘I’m particularly happy with the structure, time management, and how dynamic it is.’

‘The course gave me the awareness of my errors so I was able to remove them to be more concrete, influential.’

‘The course is particular strong in the practical exercises and opportunities to receive feedback from my peers.’

‘I’m very satisfied with the course. Jessica managed the course very well.’

‘I recommend the course because it is a good opportunity to become more confident and learn how to manage a powerpoint presentation.’

‘Thank you for your support. The presentation was in Spanish in the end, but I put into practice everything you told me. Your coaching was very important to me, not only because of your useful techniques but also because of the confidence you gave me.’

‘The course was very good and has lots of useful tips.’

On Higher education application coaching: university personal statements, interviews, scholarship application, IELTS & TOEFL

“Ms. Wong’s coaching not only helped me with the English skills necessary for the different essays and interviews of the processes, but also helped me analyze my career, goals and achievements to convey a strong message in the applications. With her valuable help, I gained confidence and was able to highlight my strengths in my application.”

“Coaching con Jess me permitió identificar mis miedos, mis inseguridades y los errores que vienen con ello. Al identificarlos, puede trabajarlos y superarlos con su acompañamiento. Esto ha sido crucial en mi vida profesional y para fortalecer mis relaciones de networking. De manera puntual puedo decir que gracias a las clases de coach con Jess logré un alto puntaje en una examen de inglés internacional (IETLS) y preparar una buena aplicación para la beca Chevening y para programas de maestría en Universidades de UK. Hace poco obtuve la beca y haré prontamente una maestría en LSE.”

On English teaching

‘My lovely teacher, I’ve told you many times before. You’re the angel in my life. Do you know that I would not speak English without your help? I’m your miracle!’


‘She always finds interesting materials for the class, and she knows and pays attention to improve my weakness.’

‘Jessica is the most creative, prepared and professional teacher I’ve ever had.’

‘You’re so discipline and persistent ! Because of you I got my English level. You kept pushing me to study and take classes. I don’t know what I would have done if it hadn’t been you!’

‘You are the best English teacher in the world!’

‘It is fun to take the English classes!’


‘I had recently been promoted to be a regional director. My main needs were related to improving my business emails and oral business presentations in a more professional way and having more confidence in expressing my ideas at work. All my goals were fully met. The classes also helped me develop professionally at the company.

‘Jessica made extra effort in each class not only to teach English grammar or vocabulary but also consider the weaknesses of the customers that may affect the process of learning English. She is very motivating and encourages the student to be persistent in achieving the goals. I have already recommended her to a few of my friends.’


‘My teacher is very professional and reliable. She constantly finds new tools to improve my learning process. She always has the best attitude!’

‘My teacher is a nice, open and very kind.’

‘My lovely Teacher thank very much for your unconditional commitment with me!!’


‘She’s very motivating. Everyday she arrives with lots of energy and good preparation of the classes.’

‘Not only she knows about the IELTS, but she also knows  about effective communication strategies.’

‘Jessica identifies my weakness across my writing, speaking, listening and reading, and offers me strategies to overcome them, taking me to a higher English level.’

‘My teacher is interested in my improvement and development and always pushes me for results.’

‘She always put my needs in the first place and show you that you are really improving.’

‘Jessica is an excellent teacher with a lot of experience. Jessica focuses our classes on my weak points.’

“You’re the best language teacher in the world”

‘Before the class, I did not want to speak. I was afraid. I can speak now thanks to Jessica.’

On the classes’ unique value



‘You know, you’re really the best teacher in the world for me. I have learnt so much from you. In your classes, I learn not only English, but also culture, sports, Asia, Europe, finance, international trends, everything! And we can talk about anything! The classes are so interesting because we don’t just learn grammar. I learnt that pub is not just for beer, and Van Gogh had sold only 1 painting by the time he died..’

“My teacher can understand each person in the team different, and at the same time how we can all work as a group.’

‘My classes are helping me to improve my understanding when I am reading and listening. It also increases my confidence and fluency in speaking.’


‘Jessica does not need a book. Grammar is really boring. Her coaching is the best. She gives homework after every class and encourages us to speak all day long.’

‘Jessica is very creative and well prepared for the classes. We can speak about a wide variety of topics, from business, sports to personal issues. She teaches me very common words for everyday life as well as professional contexts.’

‘She’s not a typical teacher because she doesn’t only teach English, but she teaches you to use the language at a higher level that improves your communication skills.’

‘The classes not only help me improve my English, but also improve my communications skills and give me other tools to practise the language outside the classes.’

‘She’s funny and her classes are entertaining!’

‘Sometimes I like to ask her about her culture and her travel. It’s so exciting to listen to her. I mean, we don’t just practise English. We learn other interesting things.’

‘I really feel that I have made progress.’

“My teacher is so friendly and positive. I feel I am speaking with a friend, so it’s very easy to speak with her.”

Classes are tailored specifically for each individuals, focusing on topics and using materials depending on the students’ industry, sector and job functions: classfeedback2

Call 321 274 3033 or write to us to enjoy the great joy of success and personal improvement:

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